
Yesteryear in Retrospect


10 Years Ago

May 10, 2013

Haddon Heights council introduced its 2013 budget, which came with a sizable increase of $168 for the average assessed property. Council member Richard DiRenzo cast the lone dissenting vote and asked for a spending freeze on any nonessential spending until the final budget was passed.

Yesteryear in Retrospect


10 Years Ago

April 12, 2013

The Oaklyn Swim Club board voted to disband the corporation because they did not have the necessary funds to reopen the pool for the 2013 season. The club owed back taxes on the property, and the borough expected to foreclose on the site and take ownership with the possible end goal of operating the property as a publicly owned pool.

Yesteryear in Retrospect


10 Years Ago

April 5, 2013

Audubon considered stationing an ambulance in town again, in partnership with MEPRI (Mt. Ephraim Police Reserves, Inc.), which wanted to supplement its regular 24/7 crew with a second 12-hour crew and ambulance housed in Audubon. The firehouse was one location under consideration for planned hours of 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.