
Yesteryear in Retrospect


10 Years Ago

March 15, 2013

Haddon Township considered an application from Vespia Holdings to build a strip mall with eight stores on the former Newton Diner site on White Horse Pike. The application required a number of variances and waivers and it was not clear what types of businesses Vespia hoped to attract.

Yesteryear in Retrospect


10 Years Ago

February 22, 2013

The Oaklyn board of education faced a $240,000 shortfall, even with the maximum allowable tax increase and after $100,000 in proposed cuts. Superintendent Scott Oswald said the district could use banked cap to help bridge the gap, but other cuts were likely to staffing, maintenance and sports programs.

Yesteryear in Retrospect


10 Years Ago

February 1, 2013

A beaver’s dam in Crows Woods led to unexpected problems on Tavistock Country Club’s golf course because it raised the water level of the stream into which Tavistock’s 16th hole pond emptied, which made it difficult to regulate. The borough planned a coordinated effort to outsmart the “unbelievable engineers.”